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Prophecy Blogs

Prophecy 2024

For more than 2000 years endless groups and cultures have thought the time of Jesus's return to the earth was near. While hoping and praying it happened in their lifetimes, it did not.

 21st century: Once more in the history of the world millions of religious and non-religious human beings consider the return of Jesus immanent.


Does Bible prophecy make any sense in today's world?  Actually, it makes more sense today than any time since it was written thousands of years ago. So, what is the difference now?  Well, we have technical advances that have not existed before now.  Actually, the age-old predictions could not happen until today's scientific achievements existed.  According to the texts themselves there has not been a day in human history that it was even possible. Fact is we had to develop a level of technology that allows these predictions to materialize.  Along with the many descriptions and predictions are two most profound prophecy's we are living with today, never possible without our current technology.  
Vivid example no. 1:  Mark of the beast
Rev 13:16-17 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark "in" their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that has the mark.

Are we all wearing the mark of the beast as we speak?  Credit and bank cards along with their devices are designed to be used "in" our right hand. and we literally cannot buy or sell without them. It is obvious what is the next step here.
Vivid example no. 2.  The stars of heaven fall or are cast to the earth:
Rev. 6:13  And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, 12:4 And a third part of the stars of heaven were cast to the earth: 12:7 And there was war in heaven. Interesting, there are no stars in heaven?

 However there are satellites, is this what the writers were seeing in dreams and visions?  We already have a war in heaven, a cyber war.   In 2018 President Trump announced a new branch of the military called Space Force.  2023 Reports that Russia has a new weapon for space that may be capable of shooting down satellites.  Do the math.  Are we now nicely set up to receive "God's" wrath according to the book of Revelation?  

Are you confused by what you read or are told about end time Bible prophecy? Me to! There is so much mystical talk of horned beasts rising out of the sea, horsemen, trumpets, angels pouring out misery on the human race, ad Infinitum. You likely shake your head and look away. All that confusing misleading rhetoric was the best way the ancients were able to describe what they saw in visions and dreams.  
Or, was it actually a technology we are familiar with today? What if you were shown virtual reality holograms of the world 1000's of years into the future? Would you be able to accurately describe what you saw with the understanding and knowledge of beings alive at that future time? Of course not. Nonetheless, the ancients did pass on profound predictions of our world today that they could not understand themselves, they recorded what they saw best they were able at a non technical time period.

Below all the religious, mysticism of those days in plain black and white we read an easily understood literal account of otherworldly physical beings, hybrid angelic beings and huge airborne mechanical vehicles cloaked in cloud that are described throughout the old testament including in great detail by Ezekiel. All were there to provide for and take care of Gods people after the great flood.

*More: See pages:  Angels or Aliens? and Clouds or Spacecraft?

Yes we are at the end of time, appropriately named. Time is running out. Huge changes must take place in earths environment for humans to survive.  Anyone who cannot grasp this is living the Ostrich program.
Observing historic human behavior concerning our precious habitat, how are we doing so far? Seems obvious we cannot stop our increasing thrust for property, prestige. wealth and power. Overindulgence coupled with overpopulation is destroying us and our home. Those who govern do not or cannot take the necessary actions to resolve the increasing and threatening ways countries are treating each other economically and with threats of wars and rumors of wars. Believe it or not the old writings describe a cyber war that will totally put many countries out of business The text makes perfect sense in our 21 st. century world. *Further discussion on this topic? See: 
Logic and common sense says we will need outside help. It was there for God's people back then and is here for us now. It created us and has done it's best to take care of us. We find these truths when we stop buying into to religious overtones, ancient visions and dreams and look at the profound truths found in the literal words.

The largest percentage of prophesy has proven accurate to this day, the part to come will determine our consequence. I profoundly believe in order for us, our children and grandchildren to survive now and hereafter it is imperative we know what choices we must make.

Prophecy: Finding the true meaning of Bible prophecy requires putting aside 1000's of years of confusing misinformation. The words used in the old texts were based on a time period  with no technical understanding. Pluss translations of visions, dreams and age old religious influence meant for todays world of unpresented tec advances that allow us to understand a race who were advanced beyond where we are now)

The Bible is a spiritually inspired work written that as we grow in technical knowledge we find a new, deeper, logical and common sense understanding. Only now with 21st century technical minds can we understand how it relates in todays world.


Going deeper into the text, reading between the lines and referencing for greater incite we discover layers of information below the surface, documented evidence of genetic engineering, cloning, other worldly beings, hybrid beings, copulation with humans, highly advanced computers and clear descriptions of UFO's that are actually very Identifiable.

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